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I am thinking about accepting a job offer out of state. My family and I live in Arizona and my wife works in AZ as a teacher. I am considering a job in New Mexico where I would stay in an apartment and travel home to AZ as many weekends as I can. She... read more
Dan Oliver ‎Posted a week ago | Latest post Thursday by TomD8
I received the cp2000 in ju.e regarding 2022 taxes. Initially the form said that I didn't enter all of the 1099's o received. I was able ro verify they were all entered. On line 5a it shows a total of 52626 On line 5b the taxable amt was decreased to... read more
cuddlykitties4 ‎Posted 2 weeks ago
1. I have heard that self employed people should keep their personal and business bank accounts separate. Is that true?2. If I am supposed to keep personal and business financial accounts separate, how do I manage my Amazon Chase credit card? I have ... read more
Brutalm00se ‎Posted 4 weeks ago | Latest post 3 weeks ago by M-MTax
I am done with my 2023 taxes but Turbotax's Smart Check seems to disagree. It is firing one alert saying I need to fill up at least one of the options. I have attached the screen shot of the question. Not sure how to answer it.
shah123 ‎Posted 27m ago
liveoutloud300-g ‎Posted 5 hours ago | Latest post 4 hours ago by VolvoGirl
I inherited an IRA totaling ~$30k in California. The IRA is subject to the 10 year rule and has been sitting mostly in cash for the last 2 years. I'm looking to invest the total amount either in the current IRA or another investment portfolio, but I'... read more
slunell ‎Posted 5 hours ago | Latest post 3 hours ago by Opus 17
My refund shows a credit for child tax, but didn’t receive the 8862 form so I’ve been waiting 6 months for my refund and it’s 1,000 less due to not receiving the form.
leahcate1976 ‎Posted 6 hours ago | Latest post 5 hours ago by xmasbaby0
The other member of the MMLLC is covered by her husband's health insurance policy. I purchased my own health insurance policy. Since I am not an employee, I was hoping I could deduct the cost of the premiums. But want to check with the TT experts out... read more
theleeb ‎Posted 6 hours ago | Latest post 2 hours ago by Mike9241
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